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The school year is in full swing, and it has been a great year! I have all students making original and engaging art. The high engagement levels have lowered discipline issues, and my days are easier becuase of that. Here are a couple highlights!
A 1st grade student set up his own personal art show to sell his art on a wall outside his classroom, his own initiative and making me proud. This show stemmed from a conversation that went a little like this:
Student: Ms. Schaeffer where can I sell my art?
Me: I'm not sure but when I sell my art I have an art show.
Student: Is there a place kids can I have art shows?
Me: you can organize your own.
Second, 1st and 2nd grade classes had amazingly deep conversations about the video of the girl spreading kindness through bracelet making which was reported on over the summer. Students talked about how the girl, Leah, was helping fix the world and the symbolism of the bracelet. My Principal caught the 2nd grade one and told me it made her day.